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Member Schools


Contact your school's VET Coordinator for further information and to apply for an AHSPs course.  Through this course counselling process, your school will assist you in selecting a course that will fit your SACE pattern.


Follow the application link on the relevant year of enrolment, complete it and submit it to your school's VET Coordinator.

Your school will guide you through the VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) process and you will then be advised as to whether you will be required to attend an interview or complete an additional course specific application. The VETRO process does not apply to Skills Cluster or Fee for Service courses.

Applications are finalised by the middle of Term 4 and you will be notified of the outcome of your application.  If you are unsuccessful, your school will assist in identifying a possible alternative course.  Priority will be given to students from AHSPs member schools.  

Term 3 Week 1 AHSPs applications open

Term 3 Week 8 AHSPs applications close

Term 4 you may need to complete additional forms

Term 4 Week 2-3 interviews conducted (some courses only)

Term 4 Week 5 you will be notified whether you will be doing your preferred course


If you are unsuccessful in securing a place, your school will assist you to identify alternative options, which may include making a late application to an alternative VET course.


Note that students undertaking a regional VET course in a Department for Education (DfE) School may be partially enrolled in the host School.


Non-member Schools


Contact your school's VET Coordinator for further information, they will liaise with the relevant member school VET Coordinator, and assist you with the application process.   Please note that students from member schools have priority in being placed in AHSPs courses.


In addition to the course and consumables costs, non-member schools will be charged an administration levy of 15% of the total published course cost per student to a maximum of $250 per enrolment. If a student withdraws after Week 2 of the commencement of the course, the administration levy will still be charged.


Note that students undertaking a regional VET course in a Department for Education School may be partially enrolled in the host School.

VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO)

To ensure students' readiness to commence a subsidised VET pathway, the VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) has been developed as the entry point to VET for school students.

VETRO is an upfront assessment, induction and orientation to VET to ensure that students enrol in a course that is right for them and has their personal and learning support needs planned for.

VETRO applies to all students commencing a subsidised VET course through a Flexible Industry Pathway, including apprenticeships and traineeships.

VETRO will be introduced from Semester 2, 2022 in preparation for all students starting VET in 2023.

VETRO is undertaken by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and will usually be carried out in Year 10, once a student has made the decision to commence a VET pathway.

What is the Process?

Home schools are responsible for referring students to RTOs using an online form.  Once schools complete the referral, the RTO will contact the Host school to facilitate the assessment process.

Students will be required to undertake a Snapshot Reading and Numeracy Assessment to demonstrate literacy and numeracy ability.

The RTO makes an assessment of a student's readiness and informs the school and parent of the outcome.

The RTO will assess the student's suitability for the industry through this assessment process and discuss with the home school any other support needs the student may have.  In some cases, funded case management support can be provided by the Department for Innovation and Skills (DIS).




Term 3

Applications open for AHSPs VET courses.

Speak with your VET coordinator & submit your completed application form

late Term 3

Closing date for AHSPs applications

mid Term 4

Applications are finalised, you will be notified of the outcome

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